About: Captain Brid’s World

I’m Captain Brid, airship captain extraordinare and mistress of the worlds inside my mind. The Far Outer Hebrides are my universe and playground, H.M.S. Skyra Brae my vehicle of choice. (My other ride is a Firebolt.)

When I’m not roaming the aetherosphere, I’m a graduate student of Linguistics at the University of Edinburgh with a specialty in historical contact linguistics in the British Isles. I live with my husband, who is No True Scotsman, and a logical fallacy to boot. I write to keep in practise when I’m not working on fiction or research papers.

You are most likely to see posts on this page when I am well fed on tea and tasties. 

3 thoughts on “About: Captain Brid’s World”

  1. Yum…looks delicious in the picture 🙂

  2. An intriguing About page 😉 I love your occasional Scotland photos though!

    • Thanks! I used to post a lot more fictional sketches on the site, hence the part-fictional bio. I always intend to write more fiction; maybe I will soon. 🙂

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