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There were too many pictures of that gorgeous old dairy farm to fit into one post. So lucky you… today’s post is more pictures! Enjoy the rest of your virtual tour. I’m afraid we’ve eaten all the Mexican food, though.

A Scottish Byre | FarOuterHebrides


Another woodshed. There was wood everywhere.

A Scottish Byre | FarOuterHebrides


Wood for sheep, anyone?

A Scottish Byre | FarOuterHebrides

As someone who used to heat my house with wood, I find myself drawn to a good wood pile.

Wood | A Scottish Byre | FarOuterHebrides

Or three.

Wood and a Tractor | FarOuterHebrides

Tractors are good, too. The bus I took to get to this place got stuck behind a tractor for a while. It gave me a nice tingle of nostalgia.

A Scottish Byre | FarOuterHebrides

A memory of zipping along back roads on a sunny day, while My Girlfriend Thinks My Tractor’s Sexy blares on the radio. I didn’t get much money from my job that last summer after high school, but I did get the best drives.

A Scottish Byre | FarOuterHebrides

A Scottish Byre | FarOuterHebrides

A Scottish Byre | FarOuterHebrides

A Scottish Byre | FarOuterHebrides

A Scottish Byre | FarOuterHebrides

A Scottish Byre | FarOuterHebrides